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CyberDeck™ is the new turn-based TCG set in a contemporary cypherpunk-inspired dystopia. Request now to be recruited by a CyberDeck™ Faction and be part of the next cyber-war to control the Global Network.
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About the Game
CyberDeck™ is the strategic tradable card game (TCG) set in a grotesque cypherpunk world where warring factions fight for control over information and stake of the network.
In the twilight global struggle of CyberDeck™, the operators form confederacies, uniting their scattered scenes from in potent computational cyberspaces. Their goal is to expand as fast as possible, disrupt the opponent, seize the platform and make it the world their own.
The Venture faction represents the world of the big corporations and the international financial institutions. In the world of Cyberdeck, like the most of the cyberpunk worlds, the corporations are more powerful than the national governments.
The Crime faction represents a transnational trust of the organized crime in which the “historical” organizations, such as the Yakuza, the Italian mafia and so on, have merged.
The Law faction represents the “law and order”, at least what remains of them. Like the other factions, the Police acts in a global level, so this label includes the secret service apparatus, the private military companies and new kinds of security agencies.
The Activists faction represents the people who live in the streets of the sprawling megalopolis of the CyberDeck™ world, from political activists to nihilistic individuals, from “brain workers” to independent black market traders.
Some Operator cards are Faction-Less, because they could represent individuals that for whatever reason (free thinkers, loners, mercenaries, etc.), can’t belong to any faction.
The Dystopian Reality
CyberDeck™ brings to the world of videogames a narrative potential never seen before, in which current technology meets the realistic yet dystopian features of the cypherpunk world.
As knowledge about the CyberDeck™ spreads across the network - from person to person, city to city, scene to scene, conspiracy to conspiracy, in rumors, in movements, in factions - every operator demands a piece of the action. Everybody want to see a future with their own face on it. BruceSterling

Narrative by Bruce Sterling
Since a blockchain is based on computational energy, to fight about CyberDeck™, or even trying to fight against it, can only make it stronger. Bruce Sterling
The Cards
In CyberDeck™ the player manages his Nodes, creates special situations using his Event cards, and moves Operators on the blockchain network, to earn control of the Stake.